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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF obtains certification of compliance with the National Security Scheme (ENS)

    Carpetas AIReF

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, AAI (AIReF), has received a favourable audit report to certify its compliance with the National Security Scheme (Spanish acronym: ENS).

    This report certifies that AIReF guarantees security when data is used to perform its functions. Specifically, it certifies that AIReF offers the necessary security parameters in all its information systems against actions aimed at breaching their integrity and confidentiality. This shows the institution’s commitment to data protection and the implementation of suitable security measures.

    As provided for in Royal Decree 311/2022, the ENS applies to the entire public sector and its private sector technology providers, and it is mandatory to carry out a regular audit at least every two years to verify compliance with the requirements of the ENS.

    The audit, carried out by AENOR, concludes that AIReF’s management system complies with all the requirements of the ENS, along with the rest of the audit criteria, and considers the system to be effectively implemented.