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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Extremadura’s Budget for 2025

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts accompanying the draft 2025 budget of the autonomous community of Extremadura, which presents estimates for growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in volume terms, the GDP deflator and employment, in terms of employed persons, for the period 2024-2027 that differ from the latest estimates of the Government’s macroeconomic scenario for the national economy as a whole.

    This community estimates GDP growth in volume terms of 1.5%. This forecast is between the 40-60th percentiles of AIReF’s estimates (central forecast of 2%), and is below the lower end of the range of forecasts made by other agencies for the region.