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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Home » About Us » Presidency


    Cristina Herrero


    Cristina Herrero was appointed President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), following the deliberation of the Council of Ministers…

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    María Fernández

    Head of President’s Office

    María heads up the President’s Office that directly assists the President of AIReF and offers support to the work and activities of the different divisions…

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    Paula Somoano Eyaralar

    Member of President’s Office

    Paula coordinates communication tasks, monitors the recommendations made to the General Government (GG), prepares and coordinates the Annual Report and Action Plans, and supports the AIReF Presidency…

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    Cristina Franco Martín

    Analyst at President’s Office

    Cristina manages AIReF’s participation at different forums, coordinates the institution’s national and international institutional relations, monitors the macroeconomic context…

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    Rosa Vos Valeriano

    Head of Secretaries Office

    Rosa performs secretarial work for the President and Head of President’s Office, manages their agendas and correspondence, coordinates meetings, attention to protocol…

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    Ana Isabel Herrojo Azores


    Ana Isabel performs work in the Secretariat of the Presidency and provides support to the President’s Office. She works alongside the Head of President’s Office…

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    María Ruiz Arellano


    María performs work in the Secretariat of the Presidency and provides support to the President’s Office. Her main duties include monitoring and summarising the press…

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