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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Report on the Macroeconomic Forecasts of the 2021 Budget for Navarra

    According to the provisions of Organic Law 6/2013 on the creation of AIReF, the macroeconomic forecasts that are incorporated into the draft budgets of the Public Administrations must have an AIReF report indicating whether they have been endorsed or not. This report assesses the macroeconomic forecasts that will accompany the 2021 draft budget of the ... Read more

    AIReF recommends improving infrastructure investment selection to raise social and economic impact and meet mobility needs

    Video of the Transport Infraestructures Study of the second phase of Spending Review The institution states that Spain has made enormous investments, leading to noticeable population mobility improvements It claims that infrastructure planning has been highly ambitious, without prioritising actions and without tying plans to the budget process and the economic situation It identifies widespread ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero highlights the challenge faced by european economies in designing reform and investment plans to boost medium term growth

    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, participated today in the International Conference of Councils on Economic Policy, organized by the German Council of Economic Experts (Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft) and the French Council of Economic Analysis (Conseil D'Analyse Économique, CAE). The Conference assembled the economic advisors of the major governments. In ... Read more

    The Network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions publishes a new edition of the European Fiscal Monitor

    Varias banderas de la Unión Europea ondean en Bruselas.
    This European Fiscal Monitor—the sixth in a twice-yearly series—covers 24 European economies This issue highlights how the modest euro area recovery and low interests are helping the public finances The Network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions publishes a new edition of the European Fiscal Monitor. This issue highlights how the modest euro area recovery and ... Read more