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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF places the general government deficit for 2019 at around 2% of GDP

      Related documents: Press released (ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH) REPORT ON EXPECTED COMPLIANCE WITH THE BUDGETARY STABILITY AND GOVERNMENT DEBT TARGETS AND THE EXPENDITURE RULE FOR 2019 Supplementary Report for the invidual evaluation of the Main Budgetary Lines of the Local Goverments for 2019 (ONLY AVAILABLE IN SPANISH) Informe sobre la aplicación de los mecanismos … Read more

    Report on the aplication of the correction mechanisms provided in the 2/2012 organic law, April 27th, of the budget stability and financial sustainability by autonomous comunities

    access to the report on the aplication of the correction mechanisms provided in the 2/2012 organic law, April 27th, of the budget stability and financial sustainability by autonomous comunities