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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Study on Region of Cantabria Public Companies and Foundations

    AIReF publishes the Study on Regional Public Companies and Foundations of Cantabria. This study was requested by the Government of Cantabria with the aim of avoiding duplicities and reducing the costs of the regional public structure. The analysis shows that there is a wide diversity of associated activities, mainly gathered in five sectors: Health and ... Read more

    Report on the Macroeconomic Forecasts of the Draft General State Budget for 2018

    AIReF Summary
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts of the Government's macroeconomic scenario, according to the Report published below. AIReF considers that "the Government's macroeconomic scenario accompanying the Draft 2018 General State Budget is prudent as a whole". On the domestic front, it states, "the worst scenarios that could be glimpsed in October ... Read more

    In opinion of AIReF, the amendments to its organic statute approved by the Council of Ministers reinforce its independence

    Rueda de prensa en la AIReF

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) believes that the amendments to its Organic Statute introduced through the Royal Decree approved by the Council of Ministers on 9 March reinforces its independence, with improved access to information, drafting of its budget and monitoring of recommendations. The explanatory memorandum to Royal Decree 105/2018 approved by the Council of … Read more

    The Network of EU IFIs expresses deep concerns over the Danish IFI’s ability to effectively perform its functions

    Copenhague, capital de Dinamarca.

    In a statement, the Network of EU IFIs expresses deep concerns over the Danish IFI’s ability to effectively perform its functions. This statement has been realeased after the Danish Government’s decision to recolocate the Danish Economic Council away from the Copenhagen area. The Network, whose president is José Luis Escrivá, understands that the decision is a part of … Read more

    Working paper 1/2018. Some Unpleasant Labor Arithmetics: A tale of the Spanish 2012 Labor Market Reform

    The 2008 economic and financial crisis and its posterior EU banking and sovereign debt dimensions highlighted some unresolved structural issues in the Spanish labor market, exacerbating unemployment issues. Duality between permanent and temporary workers, excessive rigidities in wage setting and collective bargaining arrangements and extreme volatility, particularly in employment, stand amongst the most commonly cited … Read more