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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Report on the Macroeconomic Forecasts in the Draft General Government Budget for 2018

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts of the Government's macroeconomic scenario for the 2018 Draft Budget Plan, according to the Report published below, and considers that "the Government's macroeconomic scenario is realistic as a whole". However, AIReF warns in the Report of the impact of the uncertainty over Catalonia and points ... Read more

    AIReF hosted the Seminar on Debt Sustainability Analysis

    Rueda de prensa en la AIReF

      High level economists, specialized in macroeconomic and debt sustainability issues, meet at AIReF to analyze Public Debt Sustainability at an international seminar Access to seminar’s webcast  The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility organized an international session on Debt Sustainability Analysis. The participants at the event belong to a selected group of high profile economists and experts … Read more

    Public debt sustainability seminar organized by AIReF

    Presentación del seminario de Análisis de Sostenibilidad de la Deuda

      This initiative is part of AIReF´s effort to foster discussion and improve communication between policy makers, practitioners and researchers. The idea is simple: a short presentation with potential policy recommendations followed by an open discussion on the main points raised by the speakers. The seminar will be introduced by José Luis Escrivá, AIReF President, and … Read more

    Report on the setting of individual budget stability and regional government debt targets for the Autonomous Regions 2018-2020

    Exteriores del Senado español

      In this report, AIReF analyses the proposals submitted by the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service (MINHAFP) on the horizontal distribution of budgetary stability and public debt targets in the Autonomous Regions (ARs) for the period 2018-2020. As in previous years, the AIReF assessment focuses on the first year, 2018, taking 2016 as a … Read more

    Report on the setting of individual budget stability and regional government debt targets for the Autonomous Regions 2018-2020

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2

    Access to Report on the setting of individual budget stability and regional government debt targets for the Autonomous Regions 2018-2020

    Executive summary of the Report on compliance with the 2017 budget stability and debt targets and the expenditure rule by the different public administrations

    Rueda de prensa en la AIReF.

    The aim of this report is to assess the likelihood of compliance in 2017 with the budget stability and debt targets and with the expenditure rule by the different public administrations. Also, for the Autonomous Regions (ARs) that have submitted information on the Economic-Financial Plan (EFP) for AIReF’s report prior to its presentation to the … Read more

    Report on compliance with the 2017 budget stability and debt targets and the expenditure rule by the different public administrations

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2

    Access to Report on compliance with the 2017 budget stability and debt targets and the expenditure rule by the different public administrations

    AIReF prescriptive opinion on pension revaluation confirms that a 0.25% increase should be applied in 2017

    Una rueda de prensa en la AIReF.

    On the basis of its analysis, AIReF concludes that the minimum increase of 0.25% should be applied to contributory pensions in 2017, as stated in the Spanish General State Budget Law for 2017. AIReF has to issue an opinion on the figures used by the Spanish Ministry of Employment & Social Security to determine the … Read more