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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts in the 2017 Draft State General Budget

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes the Report on the Macroeconomic Forecasts of the 2017 General State Budget Bill. In it it endorses, on the basis of the exogenous assumptions and the policies defined, the forecasts of the scenario. AIReF considers that the Government's macroeconomic scenario accompanying the 2017 Draft State Budget is ... Read more

    Report on the main aspects of Public Administrations’ budgets and initial budgets for 2017: Autonomous Regions

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2

    Access to Report on the main aspects of Public Administrations’ budgets and initial budgets for 2017: Autonomous Regions (Articles 17.1 and 17.2 of the LOEPSF)  Presentation

    Hearing by José Luis Escrivá in the European Parlament

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF, en Bruselas

    Pie de foto: Foto:© European Union 2017 – Source : EP.   José Luis Escrivá, in his capacity as President of the Network of EU Independent Fiscal Institutions, was invited to give an address today at the European Parliament, in the plenary session of the Inter-parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European … Read more

    Report on the Macroeconomic Forecasts for the Autonomous Regions’ Budgets for 2017

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2

    Access to the Report on the Macroeconomic Forecasts for the Autonomous Regions’ Budgets for 2017 Documentos relacionados: Nota de prensa del Informe sobre las Previsiones Macroeconómicas de los Presupuestos para 2017 de las Comunidades Autónomas

    Report on the setting of individual budget stability and regional government debt targets for the Autonomous Regions

    José Luis Escrivá, presidente de la AIReF 2

    Access to the Report on the setting of individual budget stability and regional government debt targets for the Autonomous Regions