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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Supplementary Report on Budgetary Execution, Public Debt, Spending Rule 2023 of Local Entities

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) has the legal mandate to report every year on the budget execution, public debt and expenditure rule of the different Public Administrations (PAs). This report is complementary to the one published last July 6 and includes the individualized assessment of the main fiscal indicators that make it possible ... Read more

    AIReF improves its GDP growth forecast to 2.3% by 2023 and maintains the deficit at 4.1% of GDP

    Carpetas de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) improves the GDP forecast based on the new estimates from INE's Quarterly Accounts It estimates CPI growth of 3.7% in 2023, somewhat lower than projected in the spring, while the GDP deflator is expected to grow by 4.8% The extension of the measures implies an increase in the ... Read more

    AIReF forecasts that the Autonomous Regions will close 2023 with a deficit of 0.4% of GDP

    Informe Ejecución 2023
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) published today on its website the Report on Budget Execution, Public Debt, and the Expenditure Rule for 2023 and the individual reports of the Autonomous Regions (ARs). In the general report, AIReF raises the sub-sector deficit for 2023 by one tenth of a percentage point to 0.4% of ... Read more

    Individual reports by Autonomous Regions of the Budgetary Execution Report, Public Debt, Expenditure Rule 2023

    AIReF publishes the individual reports on the budgetary execution, public debt and expenditure rule 2023 of the Autonomous Regions. These reports complete the pronouncement on the subsector contained in the Report on the budgetary execution, public debt and expenditure rule in 2023 of the General Government. AIReF raises the deficit of the subsector for 2023 ... Read more

    Report on Budgetary Execution, Public Debt and the Expenditure Rule 2023 of General Government

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes the Report on the Budgetary Execution, Public Debt and Expenditure Rule 2023 of the General Government, in which it updates its macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts after incorporating the latest available data and the new measures adopted by the governments. AIReF projects that real GDP growth for 2023 ... Read more

    AIReF holds a workshop with the main research services to address the challenges of economic forecasting

    Workshop AIReF servicios de estudio
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) held today a workshop with the country's main research services to address the challenges of economic forecasting in Spain. The president of AIReF, Cristina Herrero, who opened the session, pledged to repeat the workshop every year so that it becomes a meeting point for generating debate and enriching ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero: “Independent scrutiny of public finances is essential in modernising fiscal frameworks and contributes to improving institutional and democratic quality”

    The characteristics of the new fiscal framework make it advisable to take advantage of the potential of institutions such as AIReF, which have the capacity for independent analysis Cristina Herrero stated that any reform of AIReF must reinforce its functional autonomy and safeguard its independence She pointed out that independent scrutiny of public finances contributes ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero: “AIReF wants to go deeper into the analysis of the adequacy and fairness of the pension system”

    Cristina Herrero Fundación Mapfre
    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, today opened the 2023 Academic Seminar on Pension Systems and Intergenerational Solidarity Mechanisms organised by the Ageingnomics Research Centre of the Mapfre Foundation and the Carlos III University of Madrid. During his speech he pointed out that AIReF seeks to deepen its knowledge ... Read more

    AIReF’s Advisory Board meets to analyse the Institution’s main actions in 2023

    Consejo Asesor 20230619
    The Advisory Board of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) met this Monday to analyse the main activities carried out by the Institution in the first six months of 2023. This is the first meeting to be held since last March when the nine members who have been on the Board since March 2021 ... Read more

    Second Opinion on Minimum Income Scheme

    This is the second Opinion issued by the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, AAI (AIReF) under Article 31.3 of Law 19/2021, of December 20, which establishes the Minimum Income Scheme. The Minimum Income Scheme is a non-contributory benefit aimed at preventing the risk of poverty of people who lack basic economic resources to cover their ... Read more