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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Valencian Community’s Budget 2023

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts for 2023 presented by the Valencian Region. These macroeconomic forecasts are made in a context of uncertainty that makes it difficult to assess them at a national level, but even more so at a territorial level since the latest information available on the Spanish Regional ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Community of Madrid’s Budget 2023

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts for 2023 presented by the Community of Madrid. These macroeconomic forecasts are made in a context of uncertainty that makes it difficult to assess them at a national level, but even more so at a territorial level, since the latest information available on the Spanish ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Castile and Leon’s Budget 2023

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers feasible the forecasts for 2023 presented by Castile and Leon. These forecasts are made in a context of uncertainty that makes their assessment difficult at the national level, but even more so at the territorial level. Although the estimated GDP rate for 2023 by Castilla ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of the 2023 Budget of Andalusia

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers feasible the forecasts for 2023 presented by Andalusia. These forecasts are made in a context of uncertainty that makes their assessment difficult at the national level, but even more so at the territorial level. Although the rate estimated for 2023 GDP by Andalusia is higher ... Read more

    AIReF endorses macroeconomic forecasts for 2023 of Andalusia and Castile and Leon

    Carpetas de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers the forecasts for 2023 presented by Andalusia and Castile and Leon feasible. The macroeconomic forecasts of these two Autonomous Regions are made against a backdrop of uncertainty that complicates their assessment at a national level, but heightens them at a territorial level, since the latest ... Read more

    Reform of the fiscal governance framework: a proposal for Spain for a debt anchor and expenditure rule

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes a technical document on fiscal governance reform, in which it proposes that each incoming government should propose a country-specific debt anchor at the beginning of its term of office and commit to a spending path derived from it for the entire legislature. This path, to be approved ... Read more

    AIReF proposes that governments should set a debt anchor and commit to a four-year spending path at the start of the legislature

    Sede de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, the body responsible for ensuring compliance with fiscal rules in Spain, presents a concrete proposal with specific elements for each country The debt anchor will be specific to each country and the annual spending path will have to be approved by the national parliament and the EU authorities The ... Read more

    Report on the projects and fundamental lines of the budgets of public administrations: General State Budgets 2023

    This report analyzes the draft General State Budget for 2023 (PGE) presented on October 6, and therefore focuses on the subsectors of the Central Administration and the Social Security Funds. AIReF detects notable shortcomings in the 2023 Budget and warns of its weakness as a key economic policy instrument. Among the shortcomings, it highlights that ... Read more

    AIReF identifies significant deficiencies in the 2023 Budget and warns of its weakness as a key economic policy instrument

    Cristina Herrero en el Congreso de los Diputados
    Cristina Herrero stresses that these deficiencies, observed in previous years, are worsening and detract from the quality of the information in the Budget, undermine its potential as a tool for economic planning and weaken its accountability function The deficiencies include underestimation of 2022 revenue, failure to incorporate measures, lack of information on execution of the ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of the 2023 Budget of Aragon

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers feasible the forecasts for 2023 presented by Aragon. These forecasts are made in a context of uncertainty that makes their assessment difficult at the national level, but even more so at the territorial level. Although the estimated GDP rate for 2023 by Aragón is higher ... Read more