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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF analyses the evolution of debt and updates the long-term sustainability analysis with the proposal for the new fiscal framework

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes the Debt Monitor, in which it reviews the evolution of public debt in 2023, which closed at 107.7% of GDP, a reduction of 3.9 points over the year, although it remains 9.5 points above the pre-pandemic level According to AIReF's estimates, the reduction in the ratio in ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero participates in 150th anniversary of General State Comptroller

    Cristina Herrero en el Aniversario de la IGAE
    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, took part today in the 150th anniversary of the General State Comptroller (Spanish acronym: IGAE), inaugurated by His Majesty King Felipe VI in the Auditorium of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía [Reina Sofía National Arts Museum Centre]. The inauguration was ... Read more

    “AIReF is a key and necessary player in the evaluation of public policies in Spain”, says Cristina Herrero

    Cristina Herrero Curso de Evaluación de Políticas Públicas Tribunal de Cuentas
    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, opened today the course on “Evaluation of Public Policies” organised by the Court of Auditors. In her speech, she highlighted the role that AIReF plays today as a “key and necessary” player in the evaluation of public policies in Spain. As the President ... Read more

    AIReF publishes estimate of composition by Autonomous Regions of national GDP for fourth quarter of 2023

    Mapa Metcap 4t 2023
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) today published the estimate of the GDP of the Autonomous Regions (AR) for the fourth quarter of 2023 using the methodology known as METCAP (Methodology for Quarterly Estimate of GDP by Autonomous Region), created by the Institution. METCAP provides the first open-access estimate in Spain that offers these ... Read more

    AIReF endorses Castile and Leon’s macroeconomic forecasts for 2024

    Parlamento CYL
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts that accompany the draft budget of the Autonomous Region of Castile and Leon for 2024, which present estimates of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in volume terms and expenditure for the period 2022-2026 which differ from the latest estimates of the macroeconomic scenario for ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Castile and Leon’s Budget for 2024

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts accompanying the 2024 draft budget of the autonomous community of Castile and Leon, which presents estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) growth in volume terms and employment for the period 2022-2026, different from the latest estimates of the macroeconomic scenario for the country as a ... Read more

    Recommendations fourth quarter 2023

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes the follow-up of the recommendations to the Public Administrations issued by the institution during the fourth quarter of 2023. In that period, AIReF issued 7 recommendations aimed at strengthening medium-term orientation and budgetary stability, as well as improving transparency and information exchange. AIReF issues recommendations in the ... Read more

    AIReF publishes monitoring of fourth quarter 2023 recommendations

    Sede de la AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) issued 7 recommendations aimed at strengthening medium-term orientation and budgetary stability, and at improving transparency and the exchange of information AIReF's recommendations are governed by the principle of ‘comply or explain’, the institution's main tool for fulfilling its mandate All recommendations were addressed to the Ministry of Finance ... Read more

    AIReF forecasts real GDP growth of 1.7% in 2024

    Sede de la AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) updates its macroeconomic forecasts for 2023 and 2024, after incorporating the latest information available and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data It revises real GDP growth in 2023 up by 0.1 points to 2.4% and maintains its forecast for real GDP growth in 2024 at 1.7% As regards ... Read more

    “The main challenge for public finances is to define a strategy to reduce debt in a sustained manner”, says Cristina Herrero

    Foto foro ADEA
    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, Cristina Herrero, took part today in the ADEA forum organised by the Association of Managers and Executives of Aragon, where she stressed that the main challenge for public finances is to define a strategy to reduce debt in a sustained manner and guarantee fiscal sustainability. The ... Read more