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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Endorsement of the macroeconomic forecasts of the General State Budget for 2023

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the macroeconomic scenario that accompanies the 2023 General State Budget (GSB), considering that both the GDP growth path and the inflation forecasts are feasible, although there are significant downside risks in the former. The purpose of this report is to verify that the budgetary scenario is based ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of the 2023 Budget of Extremadura

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers feasible the forecasts for 2023 presented by Extremadura. The macroeconomic picture of this autonomous community is framed in a context of enormous uncertainty and the materialization of numerous macroeconomic risks about which AIReF has been warning in previous reports. According to the Law that created ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of the 2023 Budget of Castilla-La Mancha

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers feasible the forecasts for 2023 presented by Castilla-La Mancha. The macroeconomic picture of this autonomous community is framed in a context of enormous uncertainty and the materialization of numerous macroeconomic risks about which AIReF has been warning in previous reports. According to the Law that ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts for the 2023 budget for Navarra

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses and considers feasible the forecasts for 2023 presented by the Autonomous Community of Navarra. On the other hand, it considers that the forecast scenario put forward by the region for 2022 could turn out to be optimistic, despite the favorable performance of the first half of the ... Read more

    Study of the review of public spending on health and education in the Balearic Islands community

    On September 13, 2021, the Government of the Balearic Islands adopted an agreement requesting AIReF to draw up an action plan to carry out a study to review public spending on healthcare and education. In the healthcare area, AIReF will study the human resources policy and the public procurement strategy and the healthcare procurement model ... Read more

    Report on the concurrence of the exceptional circumstances referred to in article 11.3 of Organic Law 2/2012, of April 27, 2012, on budgetary stability and financial sustainability

    Last July 26, the Ministry of Finance and Public Function requested AIReF to issue the report provided for in article 22 of Organic Law 6/2013 on the creation of AIReF, whereby this institution is attributed the obligation to report on the concurrence of the exceptional circumstances referred to in article 11.3 of the LOEPSF prior ... Read more

    Opinion on Minimum Income Scheme

    AIReF publishes the first Opinion under Article 31.3 of Law 19/2021, of December 20, which establishes the Minimum Income Scheme. AIReF has planned the content and schedule of the Opinions for the next four years and has signed an agreement with the National Social Security Institute (INSS) and the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) that ... Read more

    Individual reports by Autonomous Regions of the Budget Execution Report, Public Debt, Expenditure Rule 2022

    AIReF publishes the individual reports on the budget execution, public debt and expenditure rule 2022 of the Autonomous Regions. These reports complete the pronouncement on the regional government subsector contained in Report 22/22 on the budget execution, public debt and expenditure rule 2022 of the Autonomous Regions. AA. subsector contained in Report 22/22 on the ... Read more

    Supplementary Report on Budget Execution, Public Debt, Spending Rule 2022 of Local Entities (CCLL)

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes the Report on the Budget Execution, Public Debt and Expenditure Rule 2022 of the Public Administrations, in which it updates its macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts in a context in which downside risks to economic growth predominate. In a complementary manner, AIReF publishes a Report with the data ... Read more

    Report on Budgetary Execution, Public Debt and the Expenditure Rule of General Government 2022

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility, AAI (AIReF) has the legal mandate to report on the budgetary execution, public debt and expenditure rule in 2022 of the General Government (GG). Along with this report, AIReF also publishes the individual reports on each Autonomous Region and the supplementary report on the Local Governments (LGs). As the ... Read more