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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Cristina Herrero states the economic recovery needs to design the return to fiscal stability

    She argues that the scale of the fiscal challenge makes it necessary to begin a process of fiscal consolidation once the economic recovery gains traction and takes hold Cristina Herrero stresses the importance of a comprehensive strategy that will also address the quality of public finances and the necessary structural reforms She offers the potential ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero analyses the risks and opportunities of economic growth

    On Friday, October 1st, the President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, participated in the International Conference of Councils on Economic Policy, organised by the German Council of Economic Experts (Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft) and the French Council of Economic Analysis (Conseil D’Analyse Économique, CAE). This new edition focused on the recovery from ... Read more

    AIReF publishes the Study “The Institutionalization of the Evaluation of Public Policies in Castilla y León: current situation and proposals

    The study analyses the current situation of the evaluation of public policies in the Autonomous Region of Castile and Leon and makes proposals to continue moving towards a more complete framework for the institutionalisation of this practice by making it a permanent feature This study is structured around four lines of analysis: the regulatory framework, ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero declares that reform of the fiscal governance framework will be a key tool for sustainable growth

    The President of AIReF indicates that one of the main challenges of fiscal policy is to begin a consolidation process that not only acts directly on public finances, but also on economic growth Cristina Herrero stresses the importance of fiscal consolidation, not as a synonym for short-term cuts but as efficiency in the use of ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero discusses with the Governor of the Bank of Spain on the role of economic policies after the Covid-19 crisis

    In the Dialogue “Economics and politics during and after Covid-19”, Cristina Herrero proposed that this is the right time to draw up a medium-term fiscal strategy that will allow both the consolidation of public accounts and economic growth In the debate on the reform of the European fiscal framework, she reflected on the role that ... Read more

    José María Casado, appointed Director of the new Public Spending Evaluation Division of AIReF

    José María Casado joins AIReF’s Steering Committee, which is chaired by Cristina Herrero and also comprises the Directors of the Budget Analysis, Economic Analysis and Legal Affairs Divisions The new Public Spending Evaluation Division marks a very important step for AIReF and strengthens its capabilities by making Evaluation one of the Institution’s core activities At ... Read more

    Cristina herrero highlights the importance of AIReF’s evaluation activity with healthcare as a key element

    AIReF's evaluation of the efficiency of public spending has just been strengthened through the creation of the Public Spending Evaluation Division “The weight of healthcare spending as a proportion of GDP and public expenditure, its importance as a public service and the challenges ahead mean that evaluating its efficiency is particularly important”, Christina Herrero, President ... Read more

    AIReF includes a new division of Public Spending Evaluation

    Sede de AIReF
    At Tuesday’s meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Government approved the creation of an AIReF division to evaluate public policies The launch of this Division is part of the institution's 2020-2026 Strategic Plan This modification is made in compliance with the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP), which defines the specific actions for improving ... Read more