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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF estimates a deficit of 8% of GDP in 2021, after reaching 11.6% in 2020

    Appearance of Cristina Herrero before the Budget Committee In the baseline scenario, the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility estimates that GDP could fall by 11.1% in 2020 and recover in 2021 to record 8.2% growth The differences between scenarios of AIReF and the Government are mainly due to the expected speed of recovery, which is ... Read more

    AIReF proposes changes in the deduction for RD&I to improve its efficiency and transparency

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility concludes that the incentive encourages investment in RD&I, but notes the wide gap between the incentive’s potential and its actual effectiveness  It proposes setting up a quick and semi-automatic RD&I accreditation mechanism for companies whose RD&I investment does not exceed a certain threshold  It also suggests removing some of ... Read more

    AIReF points out that hiring incentives cannot replace structural reforms needed to combat high rates of unemployment and to lower the share of temporary contracts

    Rueda de prensa en AIReF
      The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility analyses seven types of incentives, which amounted to around €2bn billion in 2018  The institution concludes that the incentives make it easier to obtain employment in times of crisis, but the positive effects are modest and do not last over time  It considers that incentives should be targeted ... Read more