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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF recommends improving infrastructure investment selection to raise social and economic impact and meet mobility needs

    Video of the Transport Infraestructures Study of the second phase of Spending Review The institution states that Spain has made enormous investments, leading to noticeable population mobility improvements It claims that infrastructure planning has been highly ambitious, without prioritising actions and without tying plans to the budget process and the economic situation It identifies widespread ... Read more

    AIReF reports strong investment in high-speed rail over insufficient investment in suburban rail and proposes shifting focus to mobility criteria

    Recurso trenes
    The Spanish Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) explains that Spain has built a more extensive high-speed rail network than other countries without greater cost but also without considering mobility criteria The institution states that overall operation of high-speed railway lines is profitable in Spain, albeit without recovering the investment and with significant differences between ... Read more

    AIReF reports that increased subsidies for flights taken by extra-peninsular residents has led to increased ticket prices

    Imagen recurso
    AIReF proposes replacing the current 75% subsidy with a fixed amount for each route, as well as studying mechanisms to achieve more balanced distribution of the subsidy across income levels It conducts a distributive analysis reaching the conclusion that the subsidy is unevenly distributed, under which the 20% of residents with the highest incomes account ... Read more

    AIReF highlights the opportunity cost of fiscal benefits and the importance of guaranteeing their effectiveness

    Rueda de Prensa en AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) plans to review some of the 13 fiscal benefits analysed It suggests contextualising any changes to the fiscal benefits within the strategic planning of the public policies to which they relate, evaluating their effects ex-ante and their fulfilment ex-post  Reforms carried out in the last decade in relation ... Read more