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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF estimates a deficit of 10.9% GDP in 2020 but does not rule out the possibility of 13.8% in a more adverse scenario

    In its report on the Stabiility Programme Update (SPU), the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsability (AIReF) has included two of its own macroeconomic and fiscal scenarios to respond to current circumstances In the most positive scenario, which is similar to that of the Stability Programme Update (SPU), the deficit would be 10.9% GDP in 2020. ... Read more

    AIReF endorses the Government’s macroeconomic scenario but warns of downside risks

    La sede de la AIReF
    AIReF's endorsement is a preliminary assessment limited to the draft macroeconomic scenario of the 2020-2021 Stability Programme. Following receipt of this Programme, AIReF will publish its report over the coming week, with detail of its own macroeconomic and budgetary scenarios The macroeconomic forecasts are considered feasible assuming the Government’s hypotheses on the duration and intensity ... Read more

    AIReF temporarily stops publishing MIPred and explores other alternatives for evaluating the economy in the short term

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) has decided to temporarily stop publishing its forecast model for the evolution of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in real time (MIPred) until the results are considered to be of sufficient quality to be useful to the general public. Likewise, in the same spirit of public service, AIReF will ... Read more

    The European Fiscal Monitor has published a special edition on the fiscal response of 25 EU member states and the United Kingdom in dealing with COVID-19

    The EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Network (EU IFIs) has published a special edition of the European Fiscal Monitor on its website. The report brings together and enables comparison between the fiscal measures adopted by 25 EU member countries and the United Kingdom in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This first report reflects the situation at ... Read more

    AIReF will publish the Report on the Stability Programme Update in the week beginning 4th May

    Informes de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) will publish the Report on the Stability Programme Update (SPU) in the week of 4th-9th May. AIReF’s Organic Law establishes that the institution must prepare a report on the content of the SPU before 15th April each year. However, as in previous years, the institution has failed to ... Read more

    AIReF postpones the issuing of reports that should have been published in the coming weeks according to the current calendar

    Imagen de Archivo de Informes de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) reports that it has postponed the issuing of reports that should have been published in the coming weeks, according to the calendar set out in Law 6/2013, of 14 November, creating AIReF, following today’s agreement of its Management Committee, which met via a video call, headed by the ... Read more

    Ignacio Fernández-Huertas and Esther Gordo, new directors of AIReF’s Budget Analysis and Economic Analysis divisions

    Esther Gordo e Ignacio Fernández-Huertas
    At the proposal of Cristina Herrero, the President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), the Council of Ministers appointed Ignacio Fernández-Huertas Moraga and Esther Gordo Mora as the new directors of the institution’s Budget Analysis and Economic Analysis Divisions today. "With Ignacio Fernández-Huertas and Esther Gordo as the directors of these two Divisions ... Read more