The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) has to issue a report in April each year on the variations in the budgets to be executed in the year by the Public Administrations (PAs) with respect to the fundamental lines drawn up at the start of the budget cycle. Within the analysis of the Local Corporations (CCLL), AIReF completes the assessment of the local subsector, included in the Report on the Public Administrations as a whole, with this complementary Report, in which an individual and group analysis is made of the 24 large local authorities (EELL) which, due to the size of their budgets, competences, organizational structures and population affected, have a decisive influence on the outcome of the subsector.
In this Report, AIReF issues two recommendations addressed to the eleven CCLLs that have recorded the largest increases in expenditure in recent years so that they analyze the increases recorded since 2019 and avoid further increases in expenditure or decreases in revenue of a structural nature whose permanent funding is not guaranteed. This analysis must be sent to AIReF.