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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Report on Budgetary Execution, Public Debt and the Expenditure Rule 2024 of General Government

    Infografía Informe ejecución presupuestaria, deuda pública y regla de gasto 2024 (1)

    Report on Budgetary Execution, Public Debt and the Expenditure Rule 2024 of General Government

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) publishes the Report on the Budget Execution, Public Debt and Expenditure Rule 2024 of the Public Administrations, in which it updates its macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts after incorporating the latest available data and the new measures adopted by the governments.

    AIReF projects that real GDP growth for 2024 as a whole could be around 2.4%, compared to the 2% previously estimated, and it detects a risk of non-compliance with the active fiscal rules in 2024 in all public administrations.