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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF recommends improving infrastructure investment selection to raise social and economic impact and meet mobility needs

    Video of the Transport Infraestructures Study of the second phase of Spending Review The institution states that Spain has made enormous investments, leading to noticeable population mobility improvements It claims that infrastructure planning has been highly ambitious, without prioritising actions and without tying plans to the budget process and the economic situation It identifies widespread ... Read more

    AIReF reports strong investment in high-speed rail over insufficient investment in suburban rail and proposes shifting focus to mobility criteria

    Recurso trenes
    The Spanish Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) explains that Spain has built a more extensive high-speed rail network than other countries without greater cost but also without considering mobility criteria The institution states that overall operation of high-speed railway lines is profitable in Spain, albeit without recovering the investment and with significant differences between ... Read more

    AIReF President Cristina Herrero appears before the Congressional Finance Commission

    ACCESS THE AIREF PRESIDENT’S PRESENTATION TO THE FINANCE COMMISSION Only available in Spanish ACCESS THE VIDEO OF THE AIREF PRESIDENT’S APPEARANCE Only available in Spanish The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, appeared today before the Finance Commission of the Congress of Deputies to give her view on the economic ... Read more

    AIReF publishes the first quarterly estimate of the composition of national GDP by Region

    Mipred PIB regional
    The METCAP methodology makes it possible to estimate the composition of quarterly national GDP by Regions. Today the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) published the estimate of regional GDP for the first quarter of 2020 through the methodology called METCAP (Metodología de Estimación Trimestral por Comunidades Autónomas del PIB - Methodology for Quarterly Estimation ... Read more

    AIReF estimates a deficit of 10.9% GDP in 2020 but does not rule out the possibility of 13.8% in a more adverse scenario

    In its report on the Stabiility Programme Update (SPU), the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsability (AIReF) has included two of its own macroeconomic and fiscal scenarios to respond to current circumstances In the most positive scenario, which is similar to that of the Stability Programme Update (SPU), the deficit would be 10.9% GDP in 2020. ... Read more

    AIReF temporarily stops publishing MIPred and explores other alternatives for evaluating the economy in the short term

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) has decided to temporarily stop publishing its forecast model for the evolution of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in real time (MIPred) until the results are considered to be of sufficient quality to be useful to the general public. Likewise, in the same spirit of public service, AIReF will ... Read more