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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    AIReF publishes third quarter estimate of composition of national GDP by autonomous region

    Mapa Metcap 3t 2023
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) today published the estimate of the GDP of the Autonomous Regions (ARs) for the third quarter of 2023 using the METCAP methodology (Methodology for Quarterly Estimation of GDP by Autonomous Region), which was created by the institution. METCAP provides the first freely-accessible estimate in Spain that offers these ... Read more

    AIReF estimates GDP growth of 1.7% in 2024 and a public deficit of 3% of GDP

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) reports on the Budgetary Plan, the main milestone of Spain’s fiscal strategy in 2024, given the absence of a General State Budget AIReF highlights that 2024 will be characterised by the return of fiscal rules and the persistence of economic and institutional uncertainty AIReF revises GDP growth downwards ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Andalusia’s Budget 2024

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts accompanying Andalusia's 2024 draft budgets. Andalusia presents estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) growth in volume terms and at current prices, of the implicit GDP deflator and of employment, for the period 2023-2024, different from the latest estimates of the macroeconomic scenario for the country ... Read more

    AIReF endorses macroeconomic forecasts for Extremadura for 2024

    Junta de Extremadura
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the Regional Accounts forecasts that accompany the 2024 draft budget of Extremadura, which include GDP growth estimates in volume terms and employment for the period 2023-2026, that are different from the latest macroeconomic scenario estimates for the country as a whole. According to the Organic Law on ... Read more

    Report on the macroeconomic forecasts of Galicia’s Budget 2024

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the forecasts accompanying Galicia's 2024 draft budget, which presents estimates of GDP growth and its components on the supply and demand side in volume terms, as well as GDP in current terms, the implicit GDP deflator and employment for the period 2023-2024 different from the latest estimates ... Read more

    AIReF endorses macroeconomic forecasts for Galicia for 2024

    Carpetas de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the Regional Accounts forecasts that accompany the 2024 draft budget of Galicia, which include GDP growth estimates and its components on the supply and demand side in volume terms, along with the GDP in current terms, the implicit GDP deflator and employment for the period 2023-2024, that ... Read more

    AIReF endorses macroeconomic forecasts for Aragon for 2024

    Aval Aragón
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the Regional Accounts forecasts that accompany the 2024 draft budget of Aragon, which includes GDP growth estimates in volume terms and at current prices, the GDP deflator, and the employment and unemployment rate for the period 2023-2024, that are different from the latest macroeconomic scenario estimates for ... Read more

    AIReF endorses macroeconomic forecast of Budgetary Plan but warns of downside risks

    Sede de la AIReF
    AIReF notes that the Government's nominal growth estimate is in the central range of the probability intervals of its scenario, albeit at the upper limit, which indicates downside risks Overall, AIReF sees the growth in domestic demand expected by the Government as optimistic, given the tightening of the financing conditions of the economy, the end ... Read more

    AIReF endorses macroeconomic forecast of the 2024 budget of Basque Country

    Carpetas de AIReF
    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) endorses the Regional Accounts forecasts that accompany the 2024 draft budget of the Basque Country, which includes GDP growth estimates in volume terms and at current prices, along with estimates of its components in terms of supply and demand, the GDP deflator, and the employment and unemployment rate ... Read more

    AIReF publishes monitoring of recommendations for second quarter of 2023

    The Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) issued 11 recommendations aimed at placing the focus on medium-term orientation, strengthening budgetary stability and improving the transparency of public accounts AIReF’s recommendations are governed by the principle of “comply or explain” – the institution’s main tool to fulfil its mandate The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry ... Read more