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    AIReF English

    “Our mission is to guarantee effective compliance of the financial sustainability principle by the General Goverment”

    Cristina Herrero highlights the key role of public policy evaluation at AIReF

    Cristina Herrero Jornada Evaluación KPMG 3.pdf
    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, participated today in a conference on Evaluation organised by KPMG, where she highlighted the role played by public policy evaluation at AIReF, which has become a fundamental pillar of the institution. During her speech, the president reviewed the evolution of AIReF's evaluation activity ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero reaffirms AIReF’s commitment to improving access to data

    AIReF APIE 2
    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF) today closed the workshop given by the Association of Economic Information Journalists (APIE) and AIReF on database access and management in which she reaffirmed AIReF's commitment to information transparency and access to data. The workshop, organised at AIReF's headquarters, was opened by the economic journalist ... Read more

    AIReF renews the 9 members of its Advisory Board and incorporates an expert in management and public health

    Advisory Board
    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, has renewed the nine members of the institution's Advisory Council from March 2021 and has added Rafael Bengoa, a doctor in Management and Public Health. He will give special support to the new assessments in health human resources management and strategy that AIReF ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero: “We need a strategic vision that allows us to respond to the challenges of the future”

    CH en Institución Futuro 4
    Today the president of AIReF gave a lecture at the “Institución Futuro” in which she stressed the importance of taking advantage of this year to define a strategic vision to respond to the challenges of the future and to prepare for the new scenario that opens in 2024, the first without suspended fiscal rules since ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero points out that sustainability is a responsibility of all public administrations

    Cristina Herrero en IVIE
    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, today called for the definition of a comprehensive fiscal strategy to ensure the sustainability of public finances in which all Public Administrations (PAs) must be involved. The president, who took part in the conference 'Debt and sustainability of regional finances' organised by IVIE, ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero highlights the role of fiscal institutions in the new fiscal framework

    Cristina Herrero en la Cátedra Fundación La Caixa Economía y Sociedad
    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, took part today in the “La Caixa” Foundation Chair in Economics and Society and highlighted the role that independent fiscal institutions such as AIReF will play in the new fiscal framework, if the proposal published by the Commission on November 9th comes to ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero believes that evaluation should be consolidated as a key tool in the sustainability of public finances

    Cristina Herrero jornada Spending Review IEHPA
    The president of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, participated today in the conference on Spending Reviews organized by the Institute of Studies on Public Finance of Andalusia (IEHPA) and affirmed that evaluation must be consolidated as a key tool in the sustainability of public finances. As Cristina Herrero explained, the generation ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero highlights the role of fiscal institutions as guarantors of sustainability

    X Congreso Nacional de Auditorias - Cristina Herrero
    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, participated today in the 10th National Congress on Auditing in the Public Sector organised by the FIASEP Foundation. During her speech, she reviewed the role played by fiscal institutions such as AIReF, which have the core mandate of ensuring the sustainability of public ... Read more

    Cristina Herrero participates in the 9th Iberian Seminar of Economists

    The President of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), Cristina Herrero, participated today, together with her Portuguese counterpart, Nazaré da Costa, in the 9th Iberian Seminar of Economists, organised by the Consejo General de Economistas of Spain and the Ordem dos Economistas of Portugal. Cristina Herrero highlighted the role that these institutions play, which ... Read more

    AIReF identifies significant deficiencies in the 2023 Budget and warns of its weakness as a key economic policy instrument

    Cristina Herrero en el Congreso de los Diputados
    Cristina Herrero stresses that these deficiencies, observed in previous years, are worsening and detract from the quality of the information in the Budget, undermine its potential as a tool for economic planning and weaken its accountability function The deficiencies include underestimation of 2022 revenue, failure to incorporate measures, lack of information on execution of the ... Read more